Author of the publication

The Ergonomic Design of Wearable Robot Based on the Shoulder Kinematic Analysis by Walking Speed.

, , , and . AHFE (22), volume 973 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 63-69. Springer, (2019)

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The Ergonomic Design of Wearable Robot Based on the Shoulder Kinematic Analysis by Walking Speed., , , and . AHFE (22), volume 973 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 63-69. Springer, (2019)Evaluating Young Children's Computational Thinking Skills Using a Mixed-Reality Environment., , , and . HCI (45), volume 1834 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 251-258. Springer, (2023)Child-robot interaction: designing robot mediation to facilitate friendship behaviors., , , , and . Interact. Learn. Environ., 32 (8): 4169-4182 (September 2024)Multimodal Data Analytics for Assessing Collaborative Interactions., , , , , , , , , and 5 other author(s). ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2020)Commercially Available Friction-Reducing Patient-Transfer Devices Reduce Biomechanical Stresses on Caregivers' Upper Extremities and Low Back., , , , and . Hum. Factors, (2019)Research Trend Analysis of Usability Evaluation in Exoskeleton Robots., , and . HCI (44), volume 1833 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 336-340. Springer, (2023)