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Survey of the evolutionary computation and its application in manufacturing systems, и . 3rd International Conference on Revitalization and Modernization of Production RIM 2001, стр. 501--508. University of Bihac, Bihacu, Bosnia and Herzegovina, (сентября 2001)Uporaba genetskega programiranja v inteligentnih proizvodnih sistemih. University of Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor, Slovenia, (2000)Modelling of intelligent mobility for next-generation manufacturing systems, и . DAAAM International Scientific Book 2003, 2, DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna, (июля 2003)Genetic programming approach to determining of metal materials properties, , и . Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1): 5--17 (февраля 2002)Genetic programming approach for surface quality prediction, и . Tehnicki vjesnik, 10 (1): 19--24 (2003)Evolutionary method for surface quality prediction, и . DAAAM International Scientific Book 2003, 2, DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna, (июля 2003)Prediction of surface roughness with genetic programming, и . Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, AMME'2002, стр. 23--26. (2002)Modeling of forming efficiency using genetic programming, , и . Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 109 (1-2): 20--29 (2001)Predicting stress distribution in cold-formed material with genetic programming, и . International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 23 (7-8): 467--474 (2004)Modeling of impact toughness of cold formed material by genetic programming, и . Computational Materials Science, 37 (4): 476--482 (октября 2006)