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Single-hop probing asymptotics in available bandwidth estimation: sample-path analysis., , , and . Internet Measurement Conference, page 300-313. ACM, (2004)On lifetime-based node failure and stochastic resilience of decentralized peer-to-peer networks., , and . SIGMETRICS, page 26-37. ACM, (2005)Demystifying service discovery: implementing an internet-wide scanner., and . Internet Measurement Conference, page 109-122. ACM, (2010)Video receiver based real-time estimation of channel capacity., and . ICIP (3), page 213-216. IEEE, (2002)Residual-Based Measurement of Peer and Link Lifetimes in Gnutella Networks., , and . INFOCOM, page 391-399. IEEE, (2007)Understanding Disconnection and Stabilization of Chord., and . INFOCOM, page 1049-1057. IEEE, (2008)Temporal update dynamics under blind sampling., , and . INFOCOM, page 1634-1642. IEEE, (2015)What signals do packet-pair dispersions carry?, , and . INFOCOM, page 281-292. IEEE, (2005)Vortex: Extreme-Performance Memory Abstractions for Data-Intensive Streaming Applications., , , , and . ASPLOS, page 623-638. ACM, (2020)ASPLOS 2020 was canceled because of COVID-19..Modeling Heterogeneous User Churn and Local Resilience of Unstructured P2P Networks., , , and . ICNP, page 32-41. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)