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Motion Control for Novel Emerging Robotic Devices and Systems., , и . IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 64 (2): 1623-1625 (2017)Pre-posed configuration of flexible redundant robot manipulators for impact vibration alleviating., и . IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 51 (1): 195-200 (2004)Stabilize an Unsupervised Feature Learning for LiDAR-based Place Recognition., , , , , , , , и . IROS, стр. 1162-1167. IEEE, (2018)Kinematics, stiffness and natural frequency of a redundantly actuated masticatory robot constrained by two point-contact higher kinematic pairs., , и . IROS, стр. 963-970. IEEE, (2015)Development of force sensing techniques for needle surgeries., и . M2VIP, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2018)A cloud-based control architecture design for the interaction of industrial robots with soft objects., , , и . M2VIP, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Concept for a simulation-based approach towards automated handling of deformable objects - A bin picking scenario., , , , и . M2VIP, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Force Feedback Control of a Robotic Needle Insertion into Layered Soft Tissues., , , , , , , и . M2VIP, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2018)Shape reconstruction and attitude estimation of bevel-tip needle via CT-guidance., , , и . ROBIO, стр. 620-625. IEEE, (2015)Mechanism design and analysis of a wearable device for rehabilitation of temporomandibular disorder., , , , и . ROBIO, стр. 1674-1679. IEEE, (2010)