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Semantic Estimation of 3D Body Shape and Pose using Minimal Cameras., , , и . BMVC, BMVA Press, (2020)A Statistical Geometric Framework for Reconstruction of Scene Models., , , и . BMVC, стр. 1-10. British Machine Vision Association, (2000)Through-the-Lens Synchronisation for Heterogeneous Camera Networks., и . BMVC, стр. 1-11. BMVA Press, (2012)Sleep Posture Classification using a Convolutional Neural Network., , , , , и . EMBC, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2018)Super-Resolution 3D Human Shape from a Single Low-Resolution Image., , и . ECCV (2), том 13662 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 447-464. Springer, (2022)Identity association using PHD filters in multiple head tracking with depth sensors., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 1506-1510. IEEE, (2016)High-fidelity facial performance capture with non-sequential temporal alignment., и . FAA, стр. 3:1. ACM, (2012)Multi-Resolution Geometric Fusion., и . 3DIM, стр. 181-189. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Adaptive Compression of Human Animation Data., , и . Eurographics (Short Presentations), Eurographics Association, (2002)Enriching Animation Databases., , и . Eurographics (Short Presentations), Eurographics Association, (2004)