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Requirement Driven Agent Collaboration Based on Functional Ontology and AMD., и . FTDCS, стр. 189-198. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Modeling of Web Service Development Process Based on MDA and Procedure Blueprint., , , и . ACIS-ICIS, стр. 422-427. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Software Fault Localization Based on Combining Information Retrieval and Mutation Analysis., , , , и . ATS, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2023)Adaptive IoT Decision Making in Uncertain Environments., , , и . SmartIoT, стр. 265-269. IEEE, (2023)Automatic selection of print-worthy content for enhanced web page printing experience., , , , , и . ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, стр. 165-168. ACM, (2010)Testing Neural Network Classifiers Based on Metamorphic Relations., , , , и . DSA, стр. 389-394. IEEE, (2019)Quality Infrastructure System in China: An Agent-Based Model., , и . CSDM Asia / CSDM, стр. 371-384. Springer, (2021)From Domain Models to Natural Language Requirement Documents: An Exploration of Requirement Missing Problems (P)., и . SEKE, стр. 189. KSI Research Inc., (2024)A Fast Crash Reproduction Method for Android Applications Based on Widget Hierarchy Graphs., , , и . IEEE Internet Things J., 11 (8): 13217-13230 (апреля 2024)Program Procedure Pattern Mining Model for Legacy Code., , и . UV, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2018)