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The Construction of Python Advanced Computing Virtual Teaching and Research Laboratory., , and . ICCSE (2), volume 1812 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 136-145. Springer, (2022)An Efficient Merge Mode with Motion Vector Difference Approach for Versatile Video Coding., , , , and . ICCBN, page 32-38. ACM, (2023)Design and implementation of various file deduplication schemes on storage devices., , , , and . QSHINE, page 80-84. IEEE, (2015)Another CDFA Based Multi-Pattern Matching Algorithm and Architecture for Packet Inspection., and . ICCCN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2011)Temporal prediction improvement for parallel processing of HEVC., , , , and . APCCAS, page 515-518. IEEE, (2014)Enhancing Scalable Name-Based Forwarding., , and . ANCS, page 60-69. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)RwHash: Rewritable Hash Table for Fast Network Processing with Dynamic Membership Updates., , and . ANCS, page 142-152. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)File-Aware P2P Traffic Classification and Management., and . ANCS, page 215-216. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Deterministic Encoding into Twisted Edwards Curves., , , , and . ACISP (2), volume 9723 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 285-297. Springer, (2016)Small area VLSI architecture for deblocking filter of HEVC., , , and . ICCE-Berlin, page 294-297. IEEE, (2015)