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STREAM-ADD - Supporting the Documentation of Architectural Design Decisions in an Architecture Derivation Process.

, , , , , , , and . COMPSAC, page 602-611. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)

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Stream: a strategy for transition between requirements models and architectural models., , , , and . SAC, page 699-704. ACM, (2011)Modularizando Modelos i*: uma Abordagem baseada em Transformação de Modelos., , , , and . WER, (2009)Dealing with the i*Models with Aspects., , , , , and . RCIS, page 367-372. (2007)A systematic study on the impact of GDPR compliance on Organizations., , , and . SBSI, page 435-442. ACM, (2023)Core Ontology to Aid the Goal Oriented Specification for Self-Adaptive Systems., , , , and . WorldCIST (1), volume 444 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 609-618. Springer, (2016)Goals and Scenarios for Requirements Engineering of Software Product Lines., , and . iStar, volume 766 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 108-113., (2011)Improving the Modularity of i* Models., , , , and . iStar, volume 586 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 3-8., (2010)Using Aspects to Simplify iModels., , , , , and . RE, page 328-329. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Towards a Model about Quality of Software Requirements Specification in Agile Projects., , , and . QUATIC, page 236-241. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)A gamification requirements catalog for educational software: results from a systematic literature review and a survey with experts., and . SAC, page 1108-1113. ACM, (2017)