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Multi-sensor location estimation for illegal cell-phone use in real-life indoor environment., , , , , , , и . ICCS, стр. 80-84. IEEE, (2012)Evaluating power and energy consumption of FPGA-based custom computing machines for scientific floating-point computation., , , и . FPT, стр. 301-304. IEEE, (2008)Scalability analysis of tightly-coupled FPGA-cluster for lattice Boltzmann computation., , и . FPL, стр. 120-127. IEEE, (2012)FPGA-based tsunami simulation: Performance comparison with GPUs, and roofline model for scalability analysis., , , и . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., (2017)Hardware Support for Concurrent Execution of Loops Containing Loop-carried Data Dependences., , и . IASTED PDCS, стр. 718-723. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2002)Hardware Specialization: Estimating Monte Carlo Cross-Section Lookup Kernel Performance and Area., , , , , , и . SC Workshops, стр. 1274-1278. ACM, (2023)A memory bandwidth improvement with memory space partitioning for single-precision floating-point FFT on Stratix 10 FPGA., и . CLUSTER, стр. 787-790. IEEE, (2021)The Cost of Flexibility: Embedded versus Discrete Routers in CGRAs for HPC., , , , , и . CLUSTER, стр. 347-356. IEEE, (2022)Cooling efficiency aware workload placement using historical sensor data on IT-facility collaborative control., , , , , и . IGCC, стр. 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Performance Analysis of Hardware-Based Numerical Data Compression on Various Data Formats., , и . DCC, стр. 345-354. IEEE, (2018)