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A 10/20/30/40 MHz feed-forward FIR DAC continuous-time ΔΣ ADC with robust blocker performance for radio receivers., , , и . VLSIC, стр. 262-. IEEE, (2015)Fast Instruction Selection for Fast Digital Signal Processing., , , , , и . ASPLOS (4), стр. 125-137. ACM, (2023)Vector instruction selection for digital signal processors using program synthesis., , , , и . ASPLOS, стр. 1004-1016. ACM, (2022)Multi-exposure imaging on mobile devices., , , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 823-826. ACM, (2010)Parallel associative reductions in halide., , и . CGO, стр. 281-291. ACM, (2017)General Linear Cameras with Finite Aperture., и . Rendering Techniques, стр. 121-126. Eurographics Association, (2007)Design of a digital harmonic-cancelling sine-wave synthesizer with 100 MHz output frequency, 43.5 dB SFDR, and 2.26 mW power., , , , и . ISCAS, стр. 3052-3055. IEEE, (2015)Tools and techniques for machine-assisted meta-theory.. University of St Andrews, UK, (1997)British Library, EThOS.Learning to Schedule Halide Pipelines for the GPU., , , , и . CoRR, (2020)Aδ: autodiff for discontinuous programs - applied to shaders., , , и . ACM Trans. Graph., 41 (4): 135:1-135:24 (2022)