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The validation of a political model of information systems development cost estimating.

, and . SIGCPR, page 164-173. ACM, (1991)

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Facilitating COBOL programmers' transition to the C language., and . SIGCPR, page 117-126. ACM, (1997)The validation of a political model of information systems development cost estimating., and . SIGCPR, page 164-173. ACM, (1991)From needs assessment to outcomes: managing the training of information systems professionals., , and . SIGCPR, page 259-267. ACM, (1996)Why students choose MIS: what makes a major-job-career in management information systems interesting?, , , and . CPR, page 57-62. ACM, (2009)The antecedents and consequents of user perceptions in information technology adoption., and . Decis. Support Syst., 22 (1): 15-29 (1998)Satisfaction of IT professionals with employment arrangements in traditional and virtual contexts., , and . SIGCPR, page 78-86. ACM, (2001)Too much of and less than a good thing: implications for managing IT professionals., , and . CPR, page 73-78. ACM, (2012)Graphical user interfaces and ease of use: some myths examined., , and . SIGCPR, page 142-154. ACM, (1994)The Role of Innovation Characteristics and Perceived Voluntariness in the Acceptance of Information Technologies, and . Decision Sciences, 28 (3): 557–582 (1997)Perceptual congruence and information systems cost estimating., and . SIGCPR, page 50-59. ACM, (1995)