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Quick Adaptation to Changing Concepts by Sensitive Detection., , and . IEA/AIE, volume 4570 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 855-864. Springer, (2007)Reconstruction of a 3D Model from Single 2D Image by GAN., and . MIWAI, volume 11248 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 226-232. Springer, (2018)Strategy Acquisition on Multi-issue Negotiation without Estimating Opponent's Preference., , and . KES-AMSTA, volume 4953 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 371-380. Springer, (2008)Extraction of Reliable Reputation Information Using Contributor's Stance., , , and . Web Intelligence, page 382-385. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Integration of Bagging and Boosting with a New Reweighting Technique., , and . CIMCA/IAWTIC, page 338-343. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)An Online Moot Court System Mediated by an Agent., , , and . ICAIL, page 101-102. ACM, (2003)Negotiation strategy of agents in the MONOPOLY game., , and . CIRA, page 277-281. IEEE, (2001)Strategy Acquisition of Agents in Multi-Issue Negotiation., , , and . Web Intelligence, page 933-939. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Semi-supervised Gaussian Process Regression and Its Feedback Design., , and . ADMA, volume 7713 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 353-366. Springer, (2012)Giving advice in negotiation using physiological information., , and . SMC, page 248-253. IEEE, (2000)