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Negotiation strategy of agents in the MONOPOLY game., , and . CIRA, page 277-281. IEEE, (2001)Prolog Interpreter Based on Concurrent Programming., , and . ICLP, page 38-44. ADDP-GIA, (1982)The credibility of the posted information in a recommendation system based on a map., , , , and . WWW, page 985-986. ACM, (2006)Automatic Model Selection via Corrected Error Backpropagation., and . ICONIP (2), volume 5507 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 220-227. Springer, (2008)Protein Sequence Analysis by Parallel Inference Machine., , , , , and . FGCS, page 294-299. IOS Press, (1992)An Interactive Independent Topic Analysis for a Mass Document Review Service., , and . Rev. Socionetwork Strateg., 12 (1): 47-69 (2018)Process Estimation of Word-of-Mouth Information Spread Based on Ad Hoc Communications., , and . J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Informatics, 16 (5): 619-630 (2012)Weibull partition models with applications to hidden semi-Markov models., , and . IJCNN, page 162-169. IEEE, (2017)Domain-Independent Unsupervised Text Segmentation for Data Management., , and . ICDM Workshops, page 481-487. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Context-based conversational hand gesture classification in narrative interaction., , , , and . ICMI, page 303-310. ACM, (2013)