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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Efficient νMOS Realization of Threshold Voters for Self-Purging Redundancy., , , und . SBCCI, Seite 321-326. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Two-Phase MOBILE Interconnection Schemes for Ultra-Grain Pipeline Applications., , und . PATMOS, Volume 7606 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 166-174. Springer, (2012)Limits to a Correct Evaluation in RTD-based Ternary Inverters., , und . ICECS, Seite 403-406. IEEE, (2006)An Encoding Technique for Low Power CMOS Implementations of Controllers., , , , und . DATE, Seite 1083. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Logic Models Supporting the Design of MOBILE-based RTD Circuits., , und . ASAP, Seite 254-259. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)An Algorithm for the Place-and-Route Problem in the Layout of Analog Circuits., , , und . ISCAS, Seite 491-494. IEEE, (1994)High-speed low-power logic gates using floating gates., , , und . ISCAS (5), Seite 389-392. IEEE, (2002)νMOS-based Sorter for Arithmetic Applications., , , , und . VLSI Design, 11 (2): 129-136 (2000)Analysis of the critical rise time in MOBILE-based circuits., und . ICECS, Seite 938-941. IEEE, (2008)Programmable logic gate based on resonant tunnelling devices., , und . ISCAS (3), Seite 697-700. IEEE, (2004)