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Persistence in dynamic code transformation systems., , и . SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News, 33 (5): 69-74 (2005)A Dynamic Compilation Framework for Controlling Microprocessor Energy and Performance., , , , , , , и . MICRO, стр. 271-282. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Persistent Code Caching: Exploiting Code Reuse Across Executions and Applications., , , и . CGO, стр. 74-88. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Exploiting parallelism and structure to accelerate the simulation of chip multi-processors., , , , , , и . HPCA, стр. 29-40. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Teaching Fault Tolerant FPGA Design for Aerospace Applications., , , и . MSE, стр. 61-62. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Data-driven techniques to overcome workload disparity., , , и . IA3@SC, стр. 41-48. IEEE, (2014)Dynamic-Compiler-Driven Control for Microprocessor Energy and Performance., , , , , , , и . IEEE Micro, 26 (1): 119-129 (2006)PyCompArch: python-based modules for exploring computer architecture concepts., , и . WCAE, стр. 4:1-4:6. ACM, (2015)OE+IOE: a novel turn model based fault tolerant routing scheme for networks-on-chip., , , и . CODES+ISSS, стр. 85-94. ACM, (2010)Exploring alternative flexible OpenCL (FlexCL) core designs in FPGA-based MPSoC systems., , и . RAPIDO, стр. 3:1-3:8. ACM, (2013)