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Not Really There: Understanding Embodied Communication Affordances in Team Perception and Participation., , и . CSCW, стр. 1567-1575. ACM, (2015)Guided gesture support in the paper PDA., , , и . UIST, стр. 197-198. ACM, (2001)The danger of loose objects in the car: challenges and opportunities for ubiquitous computing., , и . UbiComp, стр. 173-176. ACM, (2011)BreakSense: Combining Physiological and Location Sensing to Promote Mobility during Work-Breaks., , и . CHI, стр. 3595-3607. ACM, (2017)IM waiting: timing and responsiveness in semi-synchronous communication., , и . CSCW, стр. 285-294. ACM, (2008)The calder toolkit: wired and wireless components for rapidly prototyping interactive devices., , , , , и . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, стр. 167-175. ACM, (2004)Taking Notes or Playing Games? Understanding Multitasking in Video Communication., , и . CSCW, стр. 1724-1735. ACM, (2016)Improving the match between callers and receivers: A study on the effect of contextual information on cell phone interruptions., , , и . Behav. Inf. Technol., 26 (3): 247-259 (2007)The haptic laser: multi-sensation tactile feedback for at-a-distance physical space perception and interaction., , , и . CHI, стр. 2047-2050. ACM, (2011)Challenges and Opportunities for Technology-Supported Activity Reporting in the Workplace., , , и . CHI, стр. 170. ACM, (2018)