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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Adaptive Trajectory Tracking Control of a Fully Actuated Surface Vessel With Asymmetrically Constrained Input and Output., , , und . IEEE Trans. Contr. Sys. Techn., 26 (5): 1851-1859 (2018)An improved mixed H2/H∞ control design for hard disk drives., , , und . IEEE Trans. Contr. Sys. Techn., 13 (5): 832-839 (2005)An innovation approach to H∞ fixed-lag smoothing for continuous time-varying systems., , , und . IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 49 (12): 2240-2244 (2004)Hinfinity optimal envelope-constrained FIR filter design with uncertain input, , und . Signal Processing, 81 (7): 1407--1415 (Juli 2001)An Efficient Data Association Approach to Simultaneous Localization and Map Building., , und . ICRA, Seite 854-859. IEEE, (2004)Distributed guidance for interception by using multiple rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles., , , und . AIM, Seite 1034-1039. IEEE, (2016)The l1 measure of image reconstruction subject to motion corrupted k-space data., , und . ICCA, Seite 1133-1137. IEEE, (2013)A model-based control of CO2 concentration in multi-zone ACB air-conditioning systems., , , und . ICCA, Seite 467-472. IEEE, (2016)Consensus for general multi-agent systems over random graphs., , und . ICCA, Seite 830-835. IEEE, (2011)Consensus of discrete multi-agent systems with multiplicative noises., , und . ICCA, Seite 255-260. IEEE, (2014)