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A tool based on Bayesian networks for supporting geneticists in plant improvement by controlled pollination., , and . Int. J. Approx. Reason., 55 (1): 74-83 (2014)Supervised Classification Using Hybrid Probabilistic Decision Graphs., , , and . Probabilistic Graphical Models, volume 8754 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 206-221. Springer, (2014)Importance Sampling in Bayesian Networks Using Antithetic Variables., and . ECSQARU, volume 2143 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 168-179. Springer, (2001)Dynamic importance sampling in Bayesian networks using factorisation of probability trees., , and . Probabilistic Graphical Models, page 187-194. (2006)On Using the PC Algorithm for Learning Continuous Bayesian Networks: An Experimental Analysis., , and . CAEPIA, volume 8109 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 342-351. Springer, (2013)Towards an Operational Interpretation of Fuzzy Measures., and . ISIPTA, page 312-318. (1999)Data clustering using hidden variables in hybrid Bayesian networks., , , and . Progress in AI, 2 (2-3): 141-152 (2014)Modeling Conditional Distributions of Continuous Variables in Bayesian Networks., , and . IDA, volume 3646 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 36-45. Springer, (2005)How do Machine Learning Models Change?, , , , and . CoRR, (2024)Factorisation of Probability Trees and its Application to Inference in Bayesian Networks., , , and . Probabilistic Graphical Models, (2002)