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Some numerical aspects of the training problem for feed-forward neural nets., , и . Neural Networks, 10 (8): 1455-1463 (1997)Constraint-based and hybrid structure learning of multidimensional continuous-time Bayesian network classifiers., , , , и . Int. J. Approx. Reason., (августа 2023)A Software System for Topic Extraction and Document Classification., , и . Web Intelligence, стр. 283-286. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Hybrid Syntactic-Semantic Reranking for Parsing Results of ECAs Interactions Using CRFs., , и . IceTAL, том 6233 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 15-26. Springer, (2010)Analysing User Reviews in Tourism with Topic Models., , , и . ENTER, стр. 47-58. Springer, (2015)Towards Explaining Latent Factors with Topic Models in Collaborative Recommender Systems., , и . DEXA Workshops, стр. 162-167. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Counterfactual Contextual Multi-Armed Bandit to Diagnose Post-Harvest Diseases of Apple., , и . WI/IAT, стр. 241-248. ACM, (2021)Understanding Deep Learning with Activation Pattern Diagrams., , , , и .*IA, том 2742 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 119-126., (2020)Automatic Labeling of Topics., , , и . ISDA, стр. 1227-1232. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)An LDA-Based Approach to Scientific Paper Recommendation., , , и . NLDB, том 9612 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 200-210. Springer, (2016)