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Other publications of authors with the same name

Decoding Semantic Categories from EEG Activity in Object-Based Decision Tasks., , , , and . BCI, page 1-7. IEEE, (2020)Investigating Noticeable Hand Redirection in Virtual Reality using Physiological and Interaction Data., , , , , and . VR, page 194-204. IEEE, (2023)Decoding Semantic Categories from EEG Activity in Silent Speech Imagination Tasks., , , , and . BCI, page 1-7. IEEE, (2021)Comparing the Effects of Dry, Water and Gel-Based Electrodes on EEG-Based Overt Speech Classification., , and . MetroXRAINE, page 260-265. IEEE, (2023)BISON: BCI-based Interaction Concepts for Operating Microscopes in Neurosurgery., , , and . MetroXRAINE, page 393-398. IEEE, (2022)Correlates of programmer efficacy and their link to experience: a combined EEG and eye-tracking study., , , , , , , and . ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, page 120-131. ACM, (2022)Improving Silent Speech BCI Training Procedures Through Transfer from Overt to Silent Speech., , and . SMC, page 2650-2656. IEEE, (2022)Implicit Search Intent Recognition using EEG and Eye Tracking: Novel Dataset and Cross-User Prediction., , , , and . ICMI, page 345-354. ACM, (2023)A Multimodal Teach-in Approach to the Pick-and-Place Problem in Human-Robot Collaboration., , , , and . HRI (Companion), page 81-85. ACM, (2023)Speech Imagery BCI Training Using Game with a Purpose., , , and . AVI, page 43:1-43:5. ACM, (2024)