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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

WikEye - Using Magic Lenses to Explore Georeferenced Wikipedia Content, , , und . Proc. of 3rd Int. Workshop on Pervasive Mobile Interaction Devices, Seite 6--10. (2007)Seamless Combination of Shared and Personalized Information Presentation to Groups of Visitors in Active Museums - Research Agenda., , und . LWA, Seite 8-10. DFKI, (2005)Display blindness: The effect of expectations on attention towards digital signage, , , , , , und . Pervasive Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2009)Touching Floating Objects in Projection-based Virtual Reality Environments, , , , , , und . Proceedings of Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC 2010), Seite 17--24. Eurographics, (2010)Advances in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision: Integrating Current Weather Effects into Urban Visualization, , , , , und . Volume 24 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 238--251. Springer-Verlag, (2008)ReflectiveSigns: Digital Signs That Adapt to Audience Attention., , , und . Pervasive, Volume 5538 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 17-24. Springer, (2009)Applications for In-Situ Feedback on Social Network Notifications., und . INTERACT (4), Volume 11749 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 626-629. Springer, (2019)Heuristics for Constructing Bayesian Network Based Geospatial Ontologies., und . OTM Conferences (1), Volume 4803 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 953-970. Springer, (2007)FANG: Fast and Efficient Successor-State Generation for Heuristic Optimization on GPUs., , und . ICA3PP (1), Volume 11944 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 223-241. Springer, (2019)The Effect of Surrounding Scenery Complexity on the Transfer of Control Time in Highly Automated Driving., , , und . IUI, Seite 92-97. ACM, (2021)