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A New Control Algorithm for Wide-Sense Nonblocking Multiplane Photonic Banyan-Type Switching Fabrics with Zero Crosstalk., , , и . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 26 (S-3): 54-64 (2008)Performance evaluation of the multiple output queueing switch under different traffic patterns., , , , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 5. IEEE, (2005)Optimization of Multicast logd(N, m, p) Switching Networks.. GLOBECOM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2009)Log2(N.m.p) broadcast switching networks., и . ICC, стр. 604-608. IEEE, (2001)Photonics in switching: Architectures, systems and enabling technologies., , , , , , , , , и 10 other автор(ы). Comput. Networks, 52 (10): 1873-1890 (2008)Reduced banyan-type multiplane rearrangeable switching networks., , и . IEEE Communications Letters, 12 (12): 900-902 (2008)Wide-Sense Nonblocking Multiplane Baseline Switching Networks Composed of d d Switches., , , и . ICC, стр. 6386-6391. IEEE, (2007)Wide-sense non-blocking multicast ATM switching networks., и . Perform. Evaluation, 41 (2-3): 165-177 (2000)Virtualized Network Infrastructure Supporting Co-existence of Parallel Internets., , , и . SNPD, стр. 679-684. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Book Reviews.. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55 (7): 6 (2017)