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Multi-match packet classification on memory-logic trade-off FPGA-based architecture., and . HPSR, page 121-127. IEEE, (2013)Survivability analysis on non-triconnected optical networks under dual-link failures., and . CLEI, page 1-9. IEEE, (2017)Scalable Layer-2/Layer-3 Multistage Switching Architectures for Software Routers., , , , , and . GLOBECOM, IEEE, (2006)Multi-Fasnet Protocol: Short-Term Fairness Control in WDM Slotted MANs., , , , and . GLOBECOM, IEEE, (2006)On the Trade-off Analysis of Centralized and Distributed Routing in Delay Tolerant Satellite Networks., , , and . SSN, volume 2178 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 89-93., (2018)Multi-MetaRing Protocol: Fairness in Optical Packet Ring Networks., , , and . ICC, page 2348-2352. IEEE, (2007)Analysis of Bundle Protocol Security Policies for Safeguarding Space Missions against Threats., , , , and . WiSEE, page 65-70. IEEE, (2023)Bio-inspired in-network filtering for wireless sensor monitoring systems., , and . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, page 3379-3386. IEEE, (2013)WONDER: A PON over a Folded Bus., , , , and . GLOBECOM, page 2600-2604. IEEE, (2008)Bottom-Up Design of Digital Twins for Optical Transport Networks: Challenges and Lessons Learned Invited., , , and . ONDM, page 1-6. IEEE, (2024)