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Analysis of the Petri net model of parallel manufacturing processes with shared resources, , and . Information Sciences, (July 2011)Integrity assurance of mobile agents through public-key encryption and watermarking., and . ICDIM, page 575-580. IEEE, (2008)Scenario Based Functional Regression Testing Using Petri Net Models., and . ICMLA (2), page 572-577. IEEE, (2013)978-0-7695-5144-9.Coloured Petri Net modeling and analysis for Community based wireless mesh networks., , and . SMC, page 139-144. IEEE, (2014)Process Discovery and Refinement of an Enterprise Management System., , , and . Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., 44 (3): 2019-2032 (2023)Petri net-based modeling and control of the multi-elevator systems., , , and . Neural Comput. Appl., 24 (7-8): 1601-1612 (2014)Modeling and analysis of departure routine in air traffic control based on Petri nets., , , , , and . Neural Comput. Appl., 25 (5): 1099-1109 (2014)Technology based learning analysis of CBCS model at KKU - Case study of College of Computer Science King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia., , , and . Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn., 8 (3): 8-12 (2013)Selection of Foundational Ontology for Collaborative Knowledge Modeling in Healthcare Domain., and . AIMSA, volume 6304 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 261-262. Springer, (2010)Quantum Machine Intelligence for 6G URLLC., , , , , and . IEEE Wirel. Commun., 30 (2): 22-30 (April 2023)