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Attribute Control Chart Using the Repetitive Sampling Under Neutrosophic System.. IEEE Access, (2019)Diagnosis in Sonogram of Gall Bladder., , , , , , и . MICAI (1), том 7094 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 524-536. Springer, (2011)Sentiment Analysis of Urdu Language: Handling Phrase-Level Negation., , и . MICAI (1), том 7094 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 382-393. Springer, (2011)Problem Solving Environment Based on Knowledge Based System Principles., , и . MCPR, том 8495 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 81-91. Springer, (2014)Feed forward neural network training based interactive shopping for blind., , и . CCE, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2015)Enhanced statistical tests under indeterminacy with application to earth speed data.. Earth Sci. Informatics, 14 (3): 1261-1267 (2021)Group generated by two elements of orders two and six acting on R and Q(sqrt(n))., и . Discret. Math., 179 (1-3): 145-154 (1998)Evaluating the Communication Efficiency in Federated Learning Algorithms., , , и . CSCWD, стр. 552-557. IEEE, (2021)Product Acceptance Determination with Measurement Error Using the Neutrosophic Statistics.. Adv. Fuzzy Syst., (2019)Cubic Fuzzy multi-attribute group decision-making with an application to plant location selected based on a new extended Vikor method., , , , и . J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 37 (1): 583-596 (2019)