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coSense: Collaborative Urban-Scale Vehicle Sensing Based on Heterogeneous Fleets., , , , , , , and . Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., 2 (4): 196:1-196:25 (2018)An Efficient Gateway Election and Location Service in Ad Hoc Networks., , , and . ICNSC, page 252-256. IEEE, (2008)Sparse matrix-vector multiply on the Keystone II Digital Signal Processor., , and . HPEC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2014)EWAIP: An empirical Wireless Sensor Network applications implementation platform., and . FGCT, page 72-77. IEEE, (2014)On Reliability Analysis for Embedded Systems with AADL Behavior Model., , and . QSIC, page 116-119. IEEE, (2012)A Study on the Connotation, Measuring Dimensions and Influence Factors of Sense of Circle in Mobile Social Networks., , , and . Wireless Personal Communications, 98 (4): 3087-3108 (2018)Traffic measurement and analysis in an organic enterprise data center., , , , and . HPSR, page 49-55. IEEE, (2013)A Detection and Recognition Method of Encircled Coded Targets on External Stores Model., , , and . ICARM, page 856-861. IEEE, (2019)Personalized robot-assisted dressing using user modeling in latent spaces., , and . IROS, page 3603-3610. IEEE, (2017)On the Optimal Presentation Duration for Subjective Video Quality Assessment., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn., 26 (11): 1977-1987 (2016)