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Online horizon selection in receding horizon temporal logic planning., , , and . IROS, page 3493-3499. IEEE, (2015)Distributed consensus in noncooperative congestion games: An application to road pricing., , , , , and . ICCA, page 1668-1673. IEEE, (2013)Incremental minimum-violation control synthesis for robots interacting with external agents., , and . ACC, page 1761-1768. IEEE, (2014)Impossible Made Possible: Encoding Intractable Specifications via Implied Domain Constraints., , , , and . FMICS, volume 14290 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 151-169. Springer, (2023)Junction-based Model Predictive Control for urban traffic light control., , , and . ICCVE, page 54-59. IEEE, (2013)Average strategy fictitious play with application to road pricing., , , , , , and . ACC, page 1920-1925. IEEE, (2013)Minimum-Violation Traffic Management for Urban Air Mobility., , , , and . NFM, volume 12673 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 37-52. Springer, (2021)Distributed traffic signal control for maximum network throughput., , , , and . ITSC, page 588-595. IEEE, (2012)Receding Horizon Temporal Logic Planning., , and . IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 57 (11): 2817-2830 (2012)Automata Theory Meets Barrier Certificates: Temporal Logic Verification of Nonlinear Systems., , and . IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 61 (11): 3344-3355 (2016)