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Integrated Estimation for Wheeled Mobile Robot posture, velocities, and wheel skidding perturbations., and . ICRA, page 2355-2360. IEEE, (2007)Experimental study of time-frequency based ILC., , and . ICARCV, page 619-624. IEEE, (2004)Multirate iterative learning control schemes., , , , and . ICARCV, page 769-774. IEEE, (2008)Model-based failure prediction for electric machines using particle filter., , , , , , , and . ICARCV, page 1811-1816. IEEE, (2014)Velocity-free fault tolerant control allocation for flexible spacecraft with redundant thrusters., , and . ICARCV, page 765-770. IEEE, (2012)Angular rate constrained attitude reorientation of rigid body., , , , and . ICCA, page 165-169. IEEE, (2017)Decentralized attitude coordinated control without velocity measurements for spacecraft formation., , and . ICCA, page 667-672. IEEE, (2010)A novel behavior fusion method for the navigation of mobile robots., and . SMC, page 3526-3531. IEEE, (2000)SLAT-Calib: Extrinsic Calibration between a Sparse 3D LiDAR and a Limited-FOV Low-resolution Thermal Camera., , , , , and . ROBIO, page 648-653. IEEE, (2019)Traffic cone detection and localization in TechX Challenge 2013., , , , and . ICARCV, page 54-58. IEEE, (2014)