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Multi-agent Information Diffusion Model for Twitter., , , , , , , , и . WI-IAT (2), стр. 21-26. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)978-1-4799-4143-8.Design and development of a tethered mobile robot to traverse on steep slope based on an analysis of its slippage and turnover., , , , и . IROS, стр. 2637-2642. IEEE, (2017)Short Paper: User Identification across Online Social Networks Based on Similarities among Distributions of Friends' Locations., , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 4085-4088. IEEE, (2019)Human Awareness Support by Changing Values of Hidden Factors of Input Stimuli Dynamically., , и . iCAST, стр. 20-25. IEEE, (2018)Design of a New Compact Velocity-Based Mechanical Safety Device for a Knee Joint Assist Suit., , , , , , , и . SII, стр. 628-633. IEEE, (2020)Integrated concept of objects and human motions based on multi-layered multimodal LDA., , , , и . IROS, стр. 2256-2263. IEEE, (2013)An Examination of a Novel Information Diffusion Model: Considering of Twitter User and Twitter System Features., , , и . AAMAS Workshops (Selected Papers), том 10002 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 180-191. (2016)Short Paper: Evaluation of Location Estimation Method That Focuses on Geographical Proximity of Friends., , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 4071-4074. IEEE, (2019)