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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Characterization of Extremal Unicyclic Graphs Using F-Coindex., , , und . Complex., (2021)Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction: An Approach Towards Better Corporate World., , , , , , und . Comput. J., 64 (11): 1731-1746 (2021)A Hybrid MCDM Approach of Selecting Lightweight Cryptographic Cipher Based on ISO and NIST Lightweight Cryptography Security Requirements for Internet of Health Things., , , , und . IEEE Access, (2020)A framework for detecting energy bugs in smartphones., , , , , , und . NOF, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2015)Building integrated assessment model for IoT technology deployment in the Industry 4.0., , , und . J. Cloud Comput., 13 (1): 155 (Dezember 2024)Security Analysis of IoT Devices by Using Mobile Computing: A Systematic Literature Review., , , , und . IEEE Access, (2020)Efficient Hardware Realization of SC Polar Decoders Using Compound Pipelined Processing Units and Auxiliary Registers., , , , , , , und . IEEE Access, (2024)Internet of Things for Healthcare Using Effects of Mobile Computing: A Systematic Literature Review., , , und . Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., (2019)Human Factors in Modelling Mixed Traffic of Traditional, Connected, and Automated Vehicles., , , , und . AHFE (7), Volume 591 von Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Seite 262-273. Springer, (2017)Gaussian Beltrami-Klein Model for Protein Sequence Classification: A Hyperbolic Approach., , , , und . ISBRA (1), Volume 14954 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 52-62. Springer, (2024)