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The wealth effects of second-generation state takeover legislation, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 25 (2): 291--322 (декабря 1989)Public versus Private Initiative in Arctic Exploration: The Effects of Incentives and Organizational Structure. Journal of Political Economy, 109 (1): 38--78 (32 02 2001)doi: 10.1086/318602.Corporate governance and shareholder initiatives: Empirical evidence, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 42 (3): 365--395 (ноября 1996)The determinants of corporate board size and composition: An empirical analysis, , , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 85 (1): 66--101 (июля 2007)Information precision, transaction costs, and trading volume, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 28 (6): 1207--1223 (июня 2004)In search of a signaling effect: The wealth effects of corporate name changes, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 18 (6): 1027--1045 (декабря 1994)Short-term trading around ex-dividend days : Additional evidence, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 21 (2): 291--298 (сентября 1988)Dividend capture in NASDAQ stocks, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 28 (1-2): 39--65 (00 1990)Organizational form, share transferability, and firm performance : Evidence from the ANCSA corporations, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 24 (1): 69--105 (сентября 1989)