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Software for embedded systems: a quality assessment based on improved ODC taxonomy.

, and . SAC, page 1780-1783. ACM, (2016)

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Robustness Validation in Service-Oriented Architectures., , and . WADS, volume 5835 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 98-123. Springer, (2008)Securing Data Warehouses from Web-Based Intrusions., , , and . WISE, volume 7651 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 681-688. Springer, (2012)Robustness Testing Techniques and Tools., , , , , and . Resilience Assessment and Evaluation of Computing Systems, Springer, (2012)On the Emulation of Software Faults by Software Fault Injection., , and . DSN, page 417-426. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)On the Metrics for Benchmarking Vulnerability Detection Tools., and . DSN, page 505-516. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Development of Complex Software with Agile Method., , and . AGILE, page 97-101. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)24/7 Real-Time Data Warehousing: A Tool for Continuous Actionable Knowledge., , and . COMPSAC, page 279-288. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)On the Need for Training Failure Prediction Algorithms in Evolving Software Systems., , and . HASE, page 216-223. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)A monitoring and testing framework for critical off-the-shelf applications and services., , , , and . ISSRE (Supplemental Proceedings), page 371-374. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Towards Making Safety-Critical Systems Safer: Learning from Mistakes., and . ISSRE Workshops, page 162-167. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)