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Software for embedded systems: a quality assessment based on improved ODC taxonomy.

, and . SAC, page 1780-1783. ACM, (2016)

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csXception®: First Steps to Provide Fault Injection for the Development of Safe Systems in Automotive Industry., , and . EWDC, volume 7869 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 202-205. Springer, (2013)Semantic Web Complex Ontology Mapping., and . Web Intelligence, page 82-88. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Exploring Emergent Social Networks to Improve Agent Mediated E-Commerce., , , and . ICEBE, page 50-55. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)I3OM - An Iterative, Incremental and Interactive Approach for Ontology Navigation based on Ontology Modularization., , and . KEOD, page 265-270. SciTePress, (2012)Improving Semantic Interoperability with Ontology Alignment Negotiation and Reutilization., , , and . iiWAS, page 368. ACM, (2013)Verification and Validation of (Real Time) COTS Products using Fault Injection Techniques., , , and . ICCBSS, page 233-242. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Generating Human-Computer Micro-task Workflows from Domain Ontologies., , and . HCI (1), volume 8510 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 98-109. Springer, (2014)Using Machine Learning Techniques for Evaluating the Similarity of Enterprise Architecture Models - Technical Paper., , and . CAiSE, volume 11483 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 563-578. Springer, (2019)On the Analysis of Wikipedia Activity through Time., and . IV, page 386-387. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)10 Years of ISVV: What's Next?, and . ISSRE Workshops, page 361-366. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)