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Hierarchical implicit feedback structure in passive dynamic walking., и . IROS, стр. 2217-2222. IEEE, (2007)A CSRR Glucose Concentration Sensor with Increased Resolution Using the Q-value Enhancement Circuit Technique., , , , и . ICCE, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2024)Design of a 1-V operational passive sigma-delta modulator., и . ECCTD, стр. 751-754. IEEE, (2009)A MOS current-mode buck DC-DC Converter with a 240-kHz loop bandwidth and unaltered frequency characteristics using a quadratic and input-voltage-dependent compensation slope.. ESSCIRC, стр. 460-463. IEEE, (2009)Effect of Robotic Pile-Up Mechanism on Cooperative Transportation for Versatile Objects., , , , и . J. Robotics Mechatronics, 35 (4): 938-947 (августа 2023)Exploration of a Simple Navigation Method for Swarm Robots Pioneered by Heterogeneity., , , , и . J. Robotics Mechatronics, 35 (4): 948-956 (августа 2023)A MOS current-mode boost DC-DC converter with the duty-ratio-independent frequency characteristics., и . A-SSCC, стр. 49-52. IEEE, (2011)Measurement Experiments and Analysis for Modeling of McKibben Pneumatic Actuator., , , и . J. Robotics Mechatronics, 28 (6): 830-836 (2016)Gait Analysis of 6-Legged Robot with Actuator-Equipped Trunk and Insect Inspired Body Structure., , , и . Living Machines, том 9793 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 526-531. Springer, (2016)A Complementary Split Ring Resonator Sensor Optimized for Maximizing the Dip and Q-value in S21 Frequency Characteristics., , , , и . ICCE, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2024)