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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Pseudo speaker models for text-independent speaker verification using rank threshold., , , und . NLPKE, Seite 265-268. IEEE, (2011)Determining the Emotion of News Articles., , , und . ICIC (2), Volume 4114 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 918-923. Springer, (2006)Study of Intra-Speakers Speech Variability Over Long and Short Time Periods for Speech Recognition., , , , und . ICASSP (1), Seite 397-400. IEEE, (2006)Unsupervised CV language model adaptation based on direct likelihood maximization sentence selection., , und . ICASSP, Seite 5029-5032. IEEE, (2012)A new machine translation approach using multiple translation engines and sentence partitioning., , und . SMC, Seite 1699-1704. IEEE, (2001)Alleviating the Sparsity Problem of Collaborative Filtering Using an Efficient Iterative Clustered Prediction Technique., , , , und . Int. J. Inf. Technol. Decis. Mak., 11 (1): 33-53 (2012)Integration of noise reduction algorithms for Aurora2 task., , , , , , , , , und . INTERSPEECH, Seite 1769-1772. ISCA, (2003)Top-down speech detection and n-best meaning search in a voice activated telephone extension system., , , und . EUROSPEECH, Seite 1075-1078. ISCA, (1995)Improving robustness of network grammar by using class HMM., , , , und . EUROSPEECH, Seite 1623-1626. ISCA, (1993)Text-Dependent Closed-Set Two-Speaker Recognition of a Key Phrase Uttered Synchronously by Two Persons., , , und . KES-HCIS, Volume 189 von Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Seite 405-413. Springer, (2020)