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Who's your Tiger? Using simulation to optimize the lineup of the Detroit Tigers offense.

, , , , and . WSC, page 2835-2843. WSC, (2008)

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FXPAL Experiments for TRECVID 2004., , , , , and . TRECVID, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), (2004)Video segmentation combining similarity analysis and classification.. ACM Multimedia, page 252-255. ACM, (2004)Image categorization combining neighborhood methods and boosting.. LS-MMRM@ACM Multimedia, page 11-18. ACM, (2009)Video text retouch: retouching text in videos with direct manipulation., , and . UIST (Adjunct Volume), page 37-38. ACM, (2014)LoCo: boosting for indoor location classification combining Wi-Fi and BLE., , , and . Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 20 (1): 83-96 (2016)L Interactive Search Experiments for TRECVID 2008., , , and . TRECVID, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), (2008)Flow field visualization using vector field perpendicular surfaces., , and . SCCG, page 27-34. ACM, (2009)Tools for online tutorials: comparing capture devices, tutorial representations, and access devices., , , , and . CoRR, (2018)Video summarization preserving dynamic content., , and . TVS, page 40-44. ACM, (2007)Using business-aware latent topics for image captioning in social media., , , and . ICME, page 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)