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Who's your Tiger? Using simulation to optimize the lineup of the Detroit Tigers offense.

, , , , and . WSC, page 2835-2843. WSC, (2008)

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Warning Reliability and Driver Performance in Naturalistic Driving., , and . Hum. Factors, 50 (5): 845-852 (2008)Address Entry While Driving: Speech Recognition Versus a Touch-Screen Keyboard., , and . Hum. Factors, 46 (4): 600-610 (2004)Integrating agent based modeling into a discrete event simulation., and . WSC, page 1029-1037. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Giving advice to people in path selection problems., , , , and . AAMAS, page 459-466. IFAAMAS, (2012)Using Image-Based Metrics to Model Pedestrian Detection Performance With Night-Vision Systems., , and . IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 10 (1): 155-164 (2009)A Game for Studying Maintenance Alerts' Effectiveness., , , , , and . AAMAS, page 1655-1656. ACM, (2015)Slow down, you move too fast: examining animation aesthetics to promote eco-driving., , , and . AutomotiveUI, page 193-202. ACM, (2011)Who's your Tiger? Using simulation to optimize the lineup of the Detroit Tigers offense., , , , and . WSC, page 2835-2843. WSC, (2008)Reducing service time at a busy fast food restaurant on campus., , , and . WSC, page 2628-2635. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Haptic seat for automated driving: preparing the driver to take control effectively., , , and . AutomotiveUI, page 23-30. ACM, (2015)