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Real-time analysis of market data leveraging Apache Flink., , и . DEBS, стр. 162-165. ACM, (2022)Towards Hierarchical Autonomous Control for Elastic Data Stream Processing in the Fog., , , и . Euro-Par Workshops, том 10659 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 106-117. Springer, (2017)Serverless Functions in the Cloud-Edge Continuum: Challenges and Opportunities., , и . PDP, стр. 321-328. IEEE, (2023)Hierarchical Auto-scaling Policies for Data Stream Processing on Heterogeneous Resources., , и . ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst., 18 (4): 14:1-14:44 (декабря 2023)Compute Continuum: What Lies Ahead?, , и . Euro-Par Workshops (1), том 14351 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 5-17. Springer, (2023)Artifact: Wasimoff: Distributed Computation Offloading Using WebAssembly in the Browser., , , и . PerCom Workshops, стр. 17-18. IEEE, (2024)Wasimoff: Distributed Computation Offloading Using WebAssembly in the Browser., , , и . PerCom Workshops, стр. 203-208. IEEE, (2024)Elastic Pulsar Functions for Distributed Stream Processing., , и . ICPE (Companion), стр. 9-16. ACM, (2021)MEAD: Model-Based Vertical Auto-Scaling for Data Stream Processing., , , и . CCGRID, стр. 314-323. IEEE, (2021)Function Offloading and Data Migration for Stateful Serverless Edge Computing., и . ICPE, стр. 247-257. ACM, (2024)