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Evaluation of Power Management Control on the Supercomputer Fugaku., , , and . CLUSTER, page 484-493. IEEE, (2020)Probabilistic Job History Conversion and Performance Model Generation for Malleable Scheduling Simulations., , , , and . ISC Workshops, volume 13999 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 82-94. Springer, (2023)Power/Performance/Area Evaluations for Next-Generation HPC Processors using the A64FX Chip., , , , and . COOL CHIPS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Pattern-Aware Staging for Hybrid Memory Systems., and . ISC, volume 12151 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 474-495. Springer, (2020)D-MRAM cache: enhancing energy efficiency with 3T-1MTJ DRAM/MRAM hybrid memory., , , , , , , , and . DATE, page 1813-1818. EDA Consortium San Jose, CA, USA / ACM DL, (2013)GreenCourier: Carbon-Aware Scheduling for Serverless Functions., , , , , and . WOSC@Middleware, page 18-23. ACM, (2023)On the Convergence of Malleability and the HPC PowerStack: Exploiting Dynamism in Over-Provisioned and Power-Constrained HPC Systems., , and . ISC Workshops, volume 13387 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 206-217. Springer, (2022)Classification-Based Unified Cache Replacement via Partitioned Victim Address History.. DSD, page 101-108. IEEE, (2020)Reinforcement Learning-Driven Co-Scheduling and Diverse Resource Assignments on NUMA Systems., , , and . ICCD, page 170-178. IEEE, (2024)Sustainability in HPC: Vision and Opportunities., , , , and . SC Workshops, page 1876-1880. ACM, (2023)