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Mathematical Foundation for Designing and Modeling Cyberworlds., and . CW, page 80-87. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Shape Modeling Using Cellular Structured Spaces., and . CW, page 447-454. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Visualized Deformation of Joinery to Understand Jointing Process by Homotopy Theory and Attaching Maps., and . CW, page 203-210. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)A Design and Implementation Method for Embedded Systems Using Communicating Sequential Processes with an Event-Driven and Multi-Thread Processor., and . CW, page 221-225. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Functorial Classification of Political Groups in the Meiji Restoration., and . CW, page 107-113. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)On-line handwritten Kanji character recognition using hypothesis generation in the space of hierarchical knowledge., and . ICTAI, page 508-509. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)An application of cellular logic for high speed decoding of minimum-redundancy codes., , , and . AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference (1), volume 41 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings, page 345-351. AFIPS / ACM / Thomson Book Company, Washington D.C., (1972)On-Line Hangul Character Recognition Using Multiple Neural Networks., and . NC, page 273-279. ICSC Academic Press, International Computer Science Conventions, Canada / Switzerland, (1998)MAN-YO : A Special Purpose Parallel Machine for Logic Design Automation., and . ICPP, page 583-590. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1985)Direct observation of ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg gas, , , , , , , , and . (Nov 16, 2016)