The objective behind this platform is to empower trainers or/and trainees with free resources, offer them a structured collaborative space to share their training but also to promote and value the “open” training materials, which are freely and openly
A very interesting article on how school is getting geared toward women and not men. Up to the point where male just don't want to compete anymore. Since, yes, for male it IS a competition. But it has to be a real one.
it also makes a point about the difference between fairness and equality
Die „Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung" (BzL) sind das offizielle Organ der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (SGL-SSFE) und erscheinen seit 1982 dreimal jährlich. Sie befassen sich mit aktuellen und systematischen Fragen und T
An undergraduate course, "Field Research Methods in Second Life" will be offered during the January, 07 winter interim to 8 Bradley University Multimedia majors.