Chile’s Ministry of Education has launched a web portal offering with unprecedented detail employment and earnings data to prospective applicants to higher education. The portal, called “Mi futuro” is a searchable database that lists hundreds of degree programs, professional and technical, from Medicine to Auto Mechanic, displaying for each program of every institution of higher education in the country the following information: drop-out rate, average time to degree, average earnings of the graduates after 4 years of graduation, current tuition fees for the program, and accreditation status of the program.
Las universidades privadas surgen por exceso de demanda de estudiantes señaló el supervisor de educación superior zona 010, Moisés Torres Lechuga, pero reconoció que un porcentaje de esos alumnos deserta antes de concluir sus estudios universitarios.
A rapidly growing number of students in Mexico are attending private universities, but there are increasing concerns about the quality of many of the new institutions.
The school is one of 24 privately owned universities that have received a failing grade from the Ecuadorean government, meaning that if they do not make major improvements they will be closed. Two government-run schools also received failing grades and may be shut down.
Colombia is experimenting with more public-private partnerships in higher education in an effort to increase student enrolments through private sector expansion. But allowing for-profit universities is still highly controversial and opposed by students and university rectors alike, according to the country’s former education minister Cecilia María Vélez.
Laureate Education Inc, a for-profit higher education provider that boasts former U.S. President Bill Clinton as honorary chancellor, is planning to launch an initial public offering, according to people familiar with the matter.
The police and education officials on Thursday moved to shut down 14 universities that the government determined did not meet basic academic standards. The schools, with a total of about 38,000 students, were on a list of failing universities, sometimes called “garage universities” because of accusations of their low quality.
Some blame the problem on for-profit universities that have proliferated in the past two decades as a reaction to increased demand for higher education. The universities, which offer as little as one degree, have earned the moniker ‘garage universities’ because they often operate from houses, where each room is a ‘faculty’.
When Jesús Ignacio Lechuga applied to college three years ago, he was looking for an education that would be affordable and allow him to work and study at the same time. So he applied to the International College for Experienced Learning, or Universidad ICEL, a for-profit university in Mexico City, where tuition is 10 percent of what it is at the city's elite nonprofit universities and classes are offered at nights and on weekends.
As Mexico’s last baby boom comes of age, more young people than ever aspire to a college degree. A rush of private higher education institutions has arrived to meet rising demand.
Rosemir Soares always wanted to go to university but could never afford the fees. Then she discovered Prouni, a scholarship program of the Brazilian government that has guaranteed a college education for more than one million low-income students since it began, in 2005.
Recently DeVry Inc. (DV - Analyst Report), one of the largest providers of higher-education in North America, acquired Faculdade do Vale do Ipojuca (“FAVIP”). FAVIP, which is based in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil will form a part of DeVry Brasil.
Universities in Brazil have long been for the privileged few. Only 11% of the population of working age has a degree – and such scarcity has brought rich rewards. Graduates earn, on average, 2.5 times more than those without degrees, and five times as much as the majority who never finish secondary school, reports The Economist.
There are strong indications that demand for higher education is outstripping supply. In January, Gloria Sekwena died and at least 20 other people were seriously injured when about 5,000 people stampeded in a desperate attempt to register at the last minute with the University of Johannesburg. The university received more than 85,000 applications for fewer than 12,000 places last year.
Camila Vallejo has come to the UK to deliver its students a message: learn from what privatisation did to higher education in Chile or your universities will suffer the same fate.
The Ministry of Education submitted its request to the National Council of Education (CNED) on Monday for the closure of Universidad del Mar, following a five-month audit. University officials, employees and students were not officially notified of the request and were instead informed of the possible closing upon reading local press publications.
DeVry Inc.'s CEO Daniel Hamburger said Thursday that he sees better times ahead for the for-profit education company given a recent acquisition, cost-cutting measures and improving enrollment trends at some of its schools.
El pasado 9 de enero Felipe Calderón anunció el Programa de Financiamiento de la Educación Superior, que prevé otorgar créditos bancarios con la garantía de Nacional Financiera (Nafin) y la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP), por un monto de dos mil 500 millones de pesos, etiquetados para 23 mil plazas a distribuirse en 21 universidades privadas.
Seguridad, incendio y socorrismo; Administración de farmacias, Ciencias del seguro, Terapia ocupacional, entre otras, forman parte del listado de carreras que ofrecen varias universidades privadas.