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C'était le 29 janvier 2013 à La Cigale, Paris, France et c'était sublime! extrait de l'album "The Danger Of Light" plus d'infos : http://sophiehunger.com/
A story about the Semantic Web Interviews with: Tim Berners-Lee Clay Shirky Chris Dixon David Weinberger Nova Spivack Jason Shellen Lee Feigenbaum John Hebeler Alon Halevy David Karger Abraham Bernstein
The Meatrix hat sich dazu verpflichtet, KonsumentInnen und BürgerInnen weltweit rund um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit aufzuklären - insbesondere in Bezug auf nachhaltige Lebensmittelerzeugung und entsprechendem Konsumverhalten.
The Bush administration / the people who chose / The Perfect Bacon / the game went on / the media company / The Ducks won / the Stooges brought / the tough bake-sale squares / the best place to learn [paraphrased]
Zoho's got something new: Notebook. If you've used Microsoft's OneNote, you'll grok it pretty quickly. It's a content editing system that lets you create multiple sheets in one document; great for big, complex projects.
Hanzo is something like an Onfolio clone, where you can archive a webpage, a website, or other components of websites, and arrange the material in useable, searchable folders that are transmissible to other people without file conversions.