In dieser Fortsetzungsfolge zum Thema Learning Analytics erläutern Marius Wehner und Lynn Schmodde von der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf das Verbundprojekt Fair Enough. Zur Fairness von Learning Analytics-Systemen legen sie empirische Evaluationsergebnisse verschiedener Stakeholder-Gruppen dar und geben einen Ausblick auf zukünftige Entwicklungen. Interviewer in Folge 12 des DINItus Podcasts ist Erik Reidt vom ZIM/Multimediazentrum der HHU Düsseldorf.
Marius Wehner und Lynn Schmodde von der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf berichten von ihrer Forschung zu Learning Analytics. Im Verbundprojekt LADi haben sie Diskriminierungspotenziale und Bias in den Algorithmen untersucht sowie die Wahrnehmung der Lernenden von Beurteilungen durch Learning Analytics. Interviewer in Folge 11 des DINItus Podcasts ist Erik Reidt vom ZIM/Multimediazentrum der HHU Düsseldorf.
There is a recognised lack of international literature on advising and tutoring in Higher Education (HE). In an international context, advising and tutoring is of great importance and, in that regard, global research can help to build a credible evidence base for our practice and to acknowledge the centrality of high quality advising and tutoring to teaching, learning and student success.
The Experience API (xAPI for short) is far more than just an update to SCORM, the popular standard for tracking data from a learning management system. xAPI opens up a whole new world of possibilities for learning analytics. Examples of what real organizations are doing with it in real-life situations make it easier to grasp the scale of this advance and apply the learnings to your own situation.
This short piece is about how the use of learning analytics data might break into students’ consciousness and help overcome innate resistance to change
LSI provides standards-based, research-driven tools, technology, books, and professional development solutions for school improvement, school turnaround, school transformation, student-centered classrooms, observation and evaluation, curriculum, and leadership practices, resulting in rapid gains in student learning.
Welcome to the world of evidence! Evidence-based teaching is effective teaching, and we bring you the most effective methods. Read on to find out more.
In the framework of the International Seminar "Evidence-based research: methodological approaches and practical outcomes", the UNESCO Chair in Education & Technology for Social Change of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya will organize an Open Session with International experts
A. Morabia. American journal of epidemiology, 178 (10):
1526-32(November 2013)JID: 7910653; OTO: NOTNLM; aheadofprint;<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>Causalitat.
L. Beierlieb. University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, Informatikgebäude, 97074 Würzburg, Germany, Bachelor Thesis, (December 2019)Würzburg Software Engineering Award Runner Up Masterthesis.