Das Open Science Office der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (UBL) unterstützt Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler auch bei Publikationen in OA-Zeitschriften. Dabei prüft es seit vier Jahren die Qualität wissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften. Diese Arbeit wird umso wichtiger, als dass in der Wissenschaftscommunity zunehmend Stimmen ob der mangelnden Seriosität und Qualität vermeintlich wissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften kursieren. In folgendem Beitrag erläutern die Kolleginnen und Kollegen vom Open Science Office anhand von Beispielen, woran man solche „betrügerischen“ Zeitschriften erkennen kann und geben wichtige Hinweise für die Einschätzung deren Qualität.
ROAD provides a free access to a subset of the ISSN Register (1,8 millions of bibliographic records). This subset comprises bibliographic records which describe scholarly resources in Open Access which have been assigned an ISSN by the ISSN Network : journals, conference proceedings and academic repositories.
ROAD records are also downloadable as a MARC XML dump and are available as RDF triples.
The bibliographic records are enriched, when appropriate, by metadata about the coverage of the resources by indexing, abstracting, citation databases, registries and journal indicators.
QOAM is a market place for scientific and scholarly journals which publish articles in open access. Quality scoring of the journals in QOAM is based on academic crowd sourcing; price information includes institutional licensed pricing.
The “Open Access Journal Canvas” serves as a template that individuals and groups who are interested in setting up such a journal can use to sketch out ideas and to refine their concept. It consists of eight sections in which different questions pertinent to starting and running an Open Access journal are raised: Scope + Mission, Content, Workflows, Distribution, People, Licensing + Financing, Costs, and Getting Started.
Questions and Answers in Linguistics (QAL) is a free online peer-reviewed journal published by Center for General and Comparative Linguistics at the University of Wrocław. QAL presents papers focused on especially problematic areas of linguistic research, based on data from diverse languages. As far as theoretical analyses are concerned, we are primarily interested in works within the generative paradigm, although papers using different theoretical approaches can also be considered. We express an interest in interdisciplinary research employing methods from typology, historical studies, corpus studies and experimental psycho– or neurolinguistics providing an empirical background to purely theoretical research. We assume that an exhaustive understanding of a phenomenon as complex as natural language can only come about from bringing together pieces of evidence from many different sources.
QAL is an open access online journal, which means that articles we publish are freely available on the internet immediately after publication for any individual or institution to download, copy, read and quote free of charge, provided that the authors are properly credited and the integrity of the texts is maintained.
Man kopiert das Abstract seines Artikels in die Suchmaske, der Such-Algoritmus findet Artikel, die ähnliche Worte in ähnlichen Kombinationen enthalten. Dann werden die Zeitschriften, in den diese Artikel erschienen sind, aufgelistet. Besonders gut funktioniert das ganze für medizinische Zeitschriften. Das liegt zum einen daran, dass die medizinische oder biowissenschaftliche Fachsprache eine gute semantische Auswertung erlaubt, zum anderen liegt es aber auch daran, dass PubMed relativ offen mit den Daten der gelisteten Journals umgeht und das Abgreifen dieser Daten über automatische Dienste erlaubt. Das heißt, die Datenbank PubMed bildet häufig den Datengrundstock, aus dem die Zeitschriften vorgeschlagen werden. (http://www.uni-muenster.de/ZBMed/aktuelles/5094)
First and for all, QOAM aims at authors who want to publish their article in open access in a high quality journal and for a reasonable price. Then there is the library community: QOAM enables libraries to apply this competence anew in the open access world by publishing Journal Score Cards and give journals feedback on how to improve. Last but not least, QOAM makes the world of academic publishing transparent to policy makers, journalists, and the public at large.
Have you recently written a paper, but you're not sure to which journal you should submit it? Or maybe you want to find relevant articles to cite in your paper? Or are you an editor, and do you need to find reviewers for a particular paper? Jane can help!
Just enter the title and/or abstract of the paper in the box, and click on 'Find journals', 'Find authors' or 'Find Articles'. Jane will then compare your document to millions of documents in Medline to find the best matching journals, authors or articles.