While implementing a quick toy example of Crane and Sawhney's really great Monte Carlo Geometry Processing paper, the question arose about whether a quick function I grabbed from The Internet to equally distribute points on a sphere was correct or not. Since it's absolutely the crux of the method, this is an important question! This notebook performs a rather unscientific check for equal distribution of points on the surface of a sphere. It uses the first algorithm from MathWorld: Sphere Point Picking. Foll
Let’s imagine a hypothetical situation. There’s an infection going round, and we want to predict the future severity of someone’s illness. There is a test that offers a good prediction. Let’s say the outcome of the test has a correlation of 0.78 with the patient's severity of infection. The problem with the test is that…
I've spent the last few months preparing for and applying for data science jobs. It's possible the data science world may reject me and my lack of both experience and a credential above a bachelors degree, in which case I'll do something else. Regardless of what lies in store for my future, I think I've…
I have a major pet peeve that I need to confess. I go insane when I hear programmers talking about statistics like they know shit when it’s clearly obvious they do not. I’ve been studying it for years and years and still don’t think I know anything. This article is my call for all programmers…
Data science, also known as data-driven decision, is an interdisciplinery field about scientific methods, process and systems to extract knowledge from data in various forms, and take descision based on this knowledge. A data scientist should not only be evaluated only on his/her knowledge on mahine learning, but he/she should also have good expertise on statistics. I will try to start from very basics of data science and then slowly move to expert level. So let’s get started.
On April 17, 1761, English mathematician and Presbyterian minister Thomas Bayes passed away. He is best known as name giver of the Bayes' theorem, of which he had developed a special case. It expresses (in the Bayesian interpretation) how a subjective degree of belief should rationally change to account for evidence, and finds application in in fields including science, engineering, economics (particularly microeconomics), game theory, medicine and law.