Zwar kann der Bundestag nicht mehr in die Abstimmung zur EU-Urheberrechtsreform eingreifen. In einer Debatte zu den möglichen Folgen der Uploadfilter wurde deutlich,
Die EU-Urheberrechtsreform könnte Plattformen mit nutzergenerierten Inhalten stark behindern. Die Verfechter von Uploadfiltern zeigen dabei ein Verständnis des Netzes,
Citilab is a citizen laboratory for social and digital innovation in Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona. Explore and disseminate the digital impact on creative thinking, design and innovation that arise from digital culture . Citilab is a mix between a training center, a research center and an incubator of business and social initiatives.
Since this initiative was born, in 1997, and later it opened its headquarters on November 23, 2007, Citilab has promoted its activity as a digital center of citizen innovation for the dissemination and promotion of the Knowledge Society . His basic methods of work are those of the living labs: design thinking, computational thinking and user-centered co-creation . In Citilab, Internet is considered a means to innovate in a more collaborative and integrating way with the citizen in the center of the process.
The government has signalled its ambition of realising the untapped potential of technology across the education ecosystem - we fully support those aims.
Thanks to hesitant managers, missing tools and unhelpful politics, Germany risks being left in the digital dark age. Here are four things it should fix.
U. Klüh. ZNWU Discussion Paper, 10. Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Wirtschaft, Zentrum für Nachhaltige Wirtschafts- und Unternehmenspolitik (ZNWU), Darmstadt, (August 2022)