In my previous opinion piece for Equal Times, I argued why workers and unions must engage in the topic of the digitalisation of work. This article picks up from the previous one by offering (...)
Manifest is an investigative toolkit intended for researchers, journalists, students, and scholars interested in visualizing, analyzing, and documenting supply chains, production lines, and trade networks.
On 17 January 2019, Margrethe Vestager, Commissioner for Competition, hosted a one-day conference featuring a keynote speech by Nobel laureate Professor Jean Tirole, in Brussels on "Shaping competition policy in the era of digitisation".
Research and policy advice on competition including monopolisation, cartels, mergers, liberalisation, intervention, competition enforcement and regulatory reform., In November 2016, the OECD held a hearing discussion on Big Data to explore the implications on competition authorities' work and whether competition law is the appropriate tool for dealing with issues arising from the use Big Data. Access all documentation regarding the discussion.
Thanks to hesitant managers, missing tools and unhelpful politics, Germany risks being left in the digital dark age. Here are four things it should fix.