The Internet Communications Engine (Ice) is a modern object-oriented middleware with support for C++, .NET, Java, Python, Objective-C, Ruby, and PHP. Ice is used in many mission-critical projects by companies all over the world. Ice is easy to learn, yet provides a powerful network infrastructure and vast array of features for demanding technical applications. Ice is free software, available with full source, and released under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL). Commercial licenses are available for customers who wish to use Ice for closed-source software.
Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There are no central servers at all: it only relies on end-users' machines. Solipsis is a public virtual territory. The world is initially empty and only users will fill it by
This library provides Python functions for agglomerative clustering. Its features include * generating hierarchical clusters from distance matrices * computing distance matrices from observation vectors * computing statistics on clusters *
CSpace provides a platform for secure, decentralized, user-to-user communication over the internet. The driving idea behind the CSpace platform is to provide a connect(user,service) primitive, similar to the sockets API connect(ip,port). Applications built on top of CSpace can simply invoke connect(user,service) to establish a connection. The CSpace platform will take care of locating the user and creating a secure, nat/firewall friendly connection.