FriendFeed is a tool being used by scientists as a medium to discuss scientific research problems. FriendFeed allows users to set up what’s called a lifestream, aggregating stuff the user posts on the web.
Status/presence indicator like in Jabber/IM-Apps, but web-based. Nice gui, including display of friends etc.; integrates with Jabber/GTalk and SMS. Company seems to be an Odeo-spinoff.
These sites are a fantastic starting point for any creative task and should be the first place to start when searching for a little quick and dirty inspiration (after you visit this site of course).
" – Absolut Fan. Komm in den Kader. Gestalte deinen eigenen Spielerpass. Triff andere Fans und diskutiere am Stammtisch den letzten Spieltag. Lade die neuesten Fussballnews hoch. Sammle Punkte für deinen Verein und werde Deutscher Fan-Meister."
We have taken a sample of nine of these companies - Ning, KickApps, CrowdVine, GoingOn, CollectiveX,, PeopleAggregator, Haystack, and ONEsite - all of which provide free baseline services, and reviewed them individually below
Spock is a search application that organizes information around people. The Spock vision is to create a search result of everyone in the world. up to now .. not working well (to be kind in the judgement)
Create your own microblog and connect with your friends. Post from the Web, by SMS, or from desktop clients. Add comments, use icons, link Webfeeds. Take it with you on your phone.
In the last several years we’ve seen the rise and fall of many social web applications. While most of our attention gets paid to the hugely successful ones like YouTube and Facebook, we can also learn a lot from those that have failed. Here are some of
Slifeshare is an online space where you share your digital life activities such as browsing the web and listening to music with your friends, family or anyone you care about.
The Best Stuff in the World is an open, organic, polymorphous site which, depending on the user, could take on diverse forms and meanings. The site simply asks you to input your "best stuff" in the world: whether it be a song that inspires you, your favou
We’re in the process of building THE most inspired community of people in the world…social networking with a purpose, a community of seekers and conscious entrepreneurs circulating wisdom and inspiration and wealth and all that good stuff.
J. Scripps, P. Tan, и A. Esfahanian. Proceedings of the 9th WebKDD and 1st SNA-KDD 2007 Workshop on Web Mining and Social Network Analysis, стр. 26--35. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2007)
A. Mislove, B. Viswanath, K. Gummadi, и P. Druschel. Proceedings of the Third ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, стр. 251--260. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2010)
J. Yang, и J. Leskovec. Proceedings of the Sixth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, стр. 587--596. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2013)